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Newly enrolled students will be arranged for a placement test of English proficiency after they register.

QHS adopts ESL Foundation, ESLCO, ESLDO, and ESLEO 4 levels of intensive English course setting to accommodate the English learning of international students. Students who reached an ESLDO English proficiency level or above can take academic courses at the same time. The performance in the English Placement test not only reflects the student’s English level but also determines the student’s course selection and learning process. Therefore, all newly enrolled International students should take the English Placement test seriously.

If a student provides an IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL score of 80 (inclusive) or above before enrollment, he/she can be exempted from ESL intensive English courses and start with Grade 11 English directly.

Modern Classroom.webp


Part 1. Listening (25 Questions) 20 minutes

Part 2. English Proficiency (Grammar, Vocabulary, Writing) 100 minutes

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